Vocabulary Activity
1. define
2. establish
3. identify
4. create
5. benefit
The students will conduct their activities in groups based on abilities mostly by personality traits and multiple intelligence. The study is on the Civil War exploring it from a variety of issues and events in history. The following will be given to the students to choose which one to complete. The students will understand the vocabulary words because we would go over the meaning of each with a search on the internet and/or dictionary. Each activity will assist the students to explore the underground railroad, the people who participated in the event, their position on the slavery issue in a speech stating that position and why, and the students will also be able to define the problem with the everyday life during the era and to create a plan to solve that problem. They can draw, construct, write a speech, or design the plan for the class. The students will have the appropriate materials to assist in their search for whatever activity they will choose. The students will show the benefits of their position on the issues, and show why. They will establish, define, identify, create, and benefit from the Civil War era. The classroom will decorated with pictures, documents, and other displays from the Civil War for inspiration, and I would assist in anyway I could.