In the continuation of my blog on assessment, I will develop a performance assessment for my second graders on the unit on synonyms and antonyms. A performance assessment a purpose, a learning outcome, a task or situation of the assessment context, a holistic rubric which scores the assessment with numerical points then providing a letter grade for the whole project or performance, and what limitations or constraints on the project or performance; such as, time, any materials used, whether assistance or outside help are allowed, what prior knowledge is needed to complete the assessment, and of course the scoring criteria used to evaluate the assessment.
Purpose: The performance assessment is for the students to take the basic knowledge from the lessons prior to the paper assessment on synonyms and antonyms to develop a written story that can be acted in charades or other performance activity.
Learning Outcome: Students will develop their basic knowledge of synonyms and antonyms in a performance assessment with a written story and a team effort of performing the story out in a play or charades by using the paper assessment to assist them.
Assessment Context: The performance assessment will involve a written story using synonyms and antonyms from the paper test taken before or some of their own from the team conferences, and a performance activity using the story in a charades activity or a verbal play.
Holistic Rubric:
The story on synonyms and antonyms will be scored on a 1-5 numeric value using the following rubric.
Using 3 sets of synonyms or antonyms from the test correctly:
3 pts. for all 3 correct
2 pts. for 2 correct
1 pt. for 1 correct
0 pts. for 0 correct
Story making sense with or without errors:
5 pts. for story makes sense
4 pts. for story somewhat makes sense
3 pts. for story making little sense with some errors
2 pts. for story making no sense with many errors
1 pt. for attempting story with many errors
0 pts for no participation or story
Performance Activity:
3 pts. for all participation with understandable speech or gestures
2 pts. for all participation with some problems understanding
1 pt for participation if not understood
0 pts. for no participation
*If a member of a team is absent or doesn't participate then the others will be evaluated and the nonparticipant receives no points.
Time: Class time used to complete story in teams that the teacher will choose.
The story will be completed in 1 hour in 1 to 2 days with assembled teams.
The performance will be completed in 1 hour in 1 to 2 days depending on the number of teams.
The performance will be completed in about 10 minutes, but less than 15 minutes if four teams or less are needed, less time if more than four teams, and then adjusted if needed for any other unforeseen developments.
Reference Material: A copy of the paper test on synonyms and antonyms available to provide suggestions. A list of words may be provided by the teacher or class developed list.
Assistance or help: The teacher will assist only if the teams compiled have unresolved difficulties. The teacher at their discretion will open to whole class if a team is having terrible difficulty to help everyone learn about the lesson, teamwork, and how to help a fellow classmate(s).
Prior Knowledge: Lesson/Instruction, Paper Test, Story Development with team, and assistance from team and classmates.
Scoring Criteria: Developed in holistic scoring rubric.
I hope that this development assists some of my blog readers. Please make any comments or suggestions to assist in revising this blog in any way in order to learn from mistakes and what I have developed correctly or something you find interesting.